Intento recopilar recursos asociados a “árboles de navidad químicos”, con ejemplos.
También incluyo cosas relacionadas como belenes y otros tipos de adornos navideños o ciencia relacionados con química
Se pueden ver también calendarios de adviento químicos
The Chemistry Advent Calendar 2020: Christmas chemistry at home -
Christmas Chemistry Advent -
Chemistry History Advent -
Periodic Table Advent -
Se pueden buscar en Twitter
twitter search CHEMISTREE
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Is This ‘Chemistree’ Picture Real? -
twitter CavokCanada/status/1070691263186436096
twitter barb_bal/status/1070689287077851136
Let me introduce you to the Blight group #chemistree for 2018! #RealTimeChem @DrBarryChem @unb @ChemistryUNB 🎄🎄
twitter BirleyCC_Sci/status/1070672680997785602
twitter IESGasparSanz/status/811909067555962880
twitter chem13news/status/1069935952590766080
Great #chemistrees in Dec 2018/Jan 2019 issue (in the mail & in process of getting online) – while you wait, have your students colour-by-number (chemical) #chemistree
Colour-by-numbers chemis-tree -
twitter solsch1560/status/1070201130397958144
Our Science department have created their very own ‘Chemistree’ for Christmas! 🎄 Our pupils have been challenged to name all of the elements and compounds decorating our tree to win a prize! #SolSchSci
twitter 4n6ghosthunter/status/1070476677787123712 @johndhodonoghue while it may be small our Chem club made tiny #chemistrees to go along with our big silver nitrate #chemistree
twitter WRBdB/status/1071388998717849605
chemistree Draw a design with permanent marker on copper sheet. Attach it as the cathode and place in zinc sulfate. Lots of fun with Y11 electrolysis.@johndhodonoghue @chem13news @RealTimeChem #chemed
Redox Reaction: Holiday ChemisTree! Copper + Silver Nitrate (Holiday Chemistry)
twitter Alexny_85/status/1605490775621480448
¡Hala, como soy químico, os deseo Feliz Navidad con esta chulísima tabla periódica navideña!
¡Y aprovecho para deciros que es un honor para mi teneros a todos en mi TL!
Crédito: Science Notes